The X Machine Posted on 17 Aug 10:03 |
The entire Pacific North West has been in record setting drought conditions so it's hard to believe autumn is just around the corner. But you may have noticed that the sun is setting earlier, the salmon are finally beginning to return to their home waters and everyone seems to be in a rush to get in one (or two) last missions for the summer. This autumn Mr Gray has a few special releases ready to launch. The first series is the X-Machine sock which we have been holding back as production is extremely limited. After a visit to the factory in Sendai it's easy to see why we are allowed to produce only several hundred pairs of these styles. There are only a limited number of machines that can each produce something like two dozen pairs a day. As far as I understand, the X-Machine is a vintage knitting machine made in Italy decades ago when argyle patterns became popular for socks. The folks at GC and the factory have carefully adapted these machines to be able to knit extremely complicated patterns into socks. You may see similar types of patterned socks, but chances are they are not true knit socks - most likely they are jacquard socks. In our experience the knit sock is much sturdier and has more character. I was extremely lucky to have some talented folks help me shoot a small photo essay on this project in some of our favourite secret spots on the North Shore. A huge thank you to Matt for the camera work, Natsumi for the beautiful styling, and Alex for putting up with us. As always thank you to Roden Gray for providing an exceptional selection of garb and accessories.